Golf Tournament Sponsorships
Become a Golf Tournament Sponsor!
Presenting Sponsor $2,500
Two foursomes invited to the event. Company recognized with logo on banner, tournament program and on Junior Achievement in Northeast Missouri and West-Central Illinoiss webpage.
Lunch Sponsor $1,200 or in-kind
One foursome invited to the event. Company recognized with logo on banner during lunch, tournament program and on JA in NEMO and WC-IL webpage.
Golf Gift Sponsor $1,250
Recognition of sponsorship at event, tournament program and on JA in Southwest Missouris webpage. Donate the golfer gift and one foursome invited to the event.
Drink Cart Sponsor $250
Recognition of sponsorship with logo on golf carts, in tournament program and on JA in NEMO and WC-IL webpage.
Tee Sponsor $100
Recognition of sponsorship with signage at tee hole, tournament program and on JA in NEMO and WC-IL webpage. Opportunity to distribute company information at tee hole. Sponsoring company must pro-vide own tent.
Game Sponsor $100
Recognition of sponsorship with signage at tee hole, tournament program and on JA in NEMO and WC-IL webpage. Opportunity to distribute company information at tee hole. Sponsoring company must pro-vide own tent.